Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Lake

Hanksville, Utah. The last piece of civilization before nothingness.

The stars here at night are absolutely incredible.

The sunrise over the sandstone.

I slept on the roof of the houseboat last night and woke up to a beautiful world.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Two thousand and eight miles from home.

My family and I had the opportunity to spend the day on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. We went to church close by. It was absolutely beautiful. And of course I brought along my trusty camera. 

"You need never be discouraged or afraid. The way through difficulties has always been prepared for you, and you will find it if you exercise faith." 

Friday, June 17, 2011

For time and all eternity.

I had the opportunity to attend a wedding at the newly rededicated Atlanta, Georgia temple. I loved the time that I had to spend on temple grounds. It brings a strong feeling of peace and comfort.

Let the vacation begin.

We went to a Braves game last night. I was a great game against the Mets. It ended in the tenth inning off a balk.

This is the ticket Nazi. He really needs to look into retirement. I sat right by him the entire time. When I needed to leave my seat I'd be gone for two minutes, within those two minutes he would experience a serious memory lapse and completely forget ever seeing my face. He would then proceed to require a thorough ticket check.

But in the end I had on my faithful red Toms. They make any situation just plain great.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Today marks six months of smiles with my darling ginger headed boyfriend, Mr. Tucker. I sure do like him. He's fantastically patient and sweet. Tonight we will be going for some perfectly casual, hole-in-the-wall Thai food. What a better way to celebrate than with a new adventure?

Chasing my passion.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Wish.

I'm a dreamer, but I'm also a wisher. I wish on stars and dandelions, rainbows and eyelashes. As I've starting this crazy thing called "growing up" my wishes have changed. I no longer wish for a pony to keep in my closet or to be the owner of a castle. I wish for things to work out for the best. I wish for friends to stay and love to grow. I wish for peace without the price of blood. I wish for life to be an adventure. I'm a self-proclaimed wisher.

My wish for me, for this precious life of mine, 
Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find. 
I wish for magical days, radiant with love,
Bright with insight and sharing, warmed by peace.
I hope for pivotal times, lasting friendships,
A golden life infused with affection and daring.
I yearn for personal heroes, people who blossom
As they spin intriguing lives, full and awesome.
I long for a life that inspires and encourages,
One that nurtures dreams and fuels creativity.
I reach for a life that brings joy and ease 
To me and mine, to you and yours, a light to all.
My wish for me, for this precious life of mine, 
Is what I wish for you, what I hope you find.

~  Linda E. Merrill  ~

Sunday, June 12, 2011

He is with you.

I've felt a little lost lately. Not quite sure what to do or where to go next. I've really had to make it a goal to turn to the Lord in times such as this. To trust that if I make righteous choices, he will give me the guidance I need to feel comfort.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Such a silly game we play.

Love is...

learning together
hugs & kisses
needed prayers
smiles & laughter
flowers for no reasons 
sticky note letters
warm cookies on a bad day
foot massages & leg rubs 
someone to appreciate your silliness

What do you think love is?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Isn't this supposed to be relaxing?

I'm a senior. I have one more year of high school. Everything should be smooth sailing from now, right? A year of high school just to breath. Maybe not.

Between enrolling for Georgia Southern University's joint enrollment program, figuring out my internship at the elementary school, and thinking about college plans for next year . . . I'm just plain stressed out. I want to make everyone happy, including myself. I'm just not sure if it's possible. The future is supposed to look bright and exciting . . . I'm not so sure about it right now. 

Everyone tells me these jitters are normal. That leaving home and making choices are scary, but I can do it. Can I? I sure do hope so. I'm incredibly thankful to have the Lord on my side. I guess he's all that I really need. No matter how hard it may be for me, I guess I just have to put it in his hands.

This is the music I'm relying on to calm my nerves. It's actually doing wonders.
Jack Johnson

Rob Thomas

Friday, June 3, 2011

I woke up singing this morning.

From the second I opened my eyes this morning I've had music in my head. I sang in the shower, watering the plants, on a walk. It makes for a great mood. 

This guy only aided my music-induced happiness. He's extremely talented...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Improv Everywhere

This group is amazing! Check out more of their missions here.