Monday, October 24, 2011

Catch up.

Okay, so I have definitely not been writing like I should. But then again, I do not have some permanently binding commitment to writing a post every day. I just like to. 

So here's a quick run down:
  • When I say I haven't been writing like I should, I am only referring to my sweet little blog. I have been pumping out English papers like a machine lately.
  • My parents surprised my sister and I with plane tickets for Beijing to go visit my grandparents. I miss them so much. Little things remind me of how much I miss them. Like when my papers need a good critic or those pants that have been needed to be hemmed since Gramma first left. 
  • I went to homecoming with Mr. Tucker. We had a grand time with friends at a Japanese Habachi grill and we won our football game.
  • I have been keeping up with my commitment to be there for every single Blue Devil kickoff of the season. We're undefeated thus far and looking up. I'm so proud of my boys. 
  • My sisters have been letting me do their hair lately, I love it.
  • I haven't grown any taller. Bummer. But maybe a little thinner, which definitely makes up for the lack in height gain. 
So that's about it, I think. Here are some pictures of my life right now.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Find Joy.

This is such an amazing story. It gives me hope. Hope for humanity.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Good Day

So today I officially purchased the camera I've been saving up for for far too long.
I'm afraid to open the box.
It's a little too good to be true. 
I finally have my own personal, don't-have-to-share-with-small-members-of-my family, all mine DSLR that I earned (every last penny) all by myself.

Crafty, Crafty

Let the Holiday craft spree begin.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A little sunshine for this rainy day...

These are inspired by the fact that I desperately needed a boat to navigate from class to class to work today. It rained buckets on my umbrella-less head.

Friday, October 7, 2011


This is exactly how I felt when I saw you today.
You were mid-cheeseburger inhalation and ran a red light.
And what is that creature in your lap? Gross.
What in heaven's name?